If you had unprotected sex less than 72 hours ago, and are considering taking Emergency Contraception/Morning After Pill, first come to the Rockville Pregnancy Clinic for a FREE pregnancy test to make sure you are not pregnant from a previous sexual encounter. Discuss these procedures with us. Make an appointment for a free consultation.

If you are in your third trimester, and your doctor is recommending abortion, or you are considering it for another reason, there may be other options. Be informed before you make this very important decision. Your health and well-being are our first priority. Our services are confidential, safe, and free. We are committed to you. Don't wait; Make an appointment with us today.
Abortion Consultation
If you are considering abortion, you need to know the types of abortions that are performed for the different stages of pregnancy. Meet with our professional staff or licensed medical personnel to get answers to all your questions. Be fully informed before making a choice. Be empowered. No matter what you choose, we are here for you.
Pregnancy Testing
The Rockville Pregnancy Clinic offers laboratory quality pregnancy tests that can detect a pregnancy as early as 7 days after conception, or 21 to 24 days after the first day of your last period. The tests are 99% accurate. If your test is positive, you will be offered a viability sonogram to determine how far along you are, if there is a heartbeat, and if the pregnancy is in the uterus. All services are offered at no cost to you.
Pregnancy Sonogram
If you're considering abortion, it's important to have a sonogram before you decide. It will tell you how many weeks pregnant you are and determine the types of abortions available. A sonogram may also show if you are having a natural miscarriage, or if your pregnancy is ectopic, which can be life threatening.To qualify for a free sonogram, first make an appointment for a free pregnancy test today.
The Rockville Pregnancy Clinic is able to provide community resources to help you in your unique situation. Our clinic partners with numerous outside community organizations to provide a wide range of services for women experiencing unexpected pregnancies and other health concerns. Contact the Rockville Pregnancy Clinic to talk to someone about your situation and your needs.
STD/HIV Testing & Treatment, and Pap Testing
Rockville Pregnancy Clinic is concerned about your sexual health. We provide free STD testing and treatment for non-pregnant women of all ages. Free Pap tests are available for women between 21 and 39 years old. By appointment only.
Additional FREE Services Available
- Abortion recovery counseling
- Adoption education and referrals
- Healthy relationships support
- Baby Boutique
- Childbirth classes
- Parenting Program
- Ongoing emotional support
If you're a minor, under 18 years old, and you're considering abortion, you should know that according to Maryland Law,
no parental notification is needed to visit Rockville Pregnancy Clinic
Speak with our medical clinic staff for professional medical advice. We provide medically-accurate information and services
for women seeking an abortion but do not provide abortions or abortion referrals